Android SD Card showing ready but is not usable/Applications not showing


Jan 15, 2013
Phone - Samsung Galaxy S7
Card - Samsung Evo 64gb

The card had been working for a long time with no issues, was formatted to be used as internal storage so that I could move applications to it. The card was encrypted and when I go to decrypt the card (attempting to recover with my laptop) on the phone it has "Decrypting SD Card" as a notification but I have yet to have it complete.

I can plug it into my computer and see the JPG's and other files but am unable to open them (recovering pictures is my main concern here, just got back from a Eurotrip). When it is plugged into my phone it shows as "SD Card Ready" under storage, but all the applications, music and photos that I had on the card are not showing on the phone.

Thank you for any help you can give and let me know if you have any questions!

Photos of notification shown and what it appears as under my storage settings -

Alright, what I did to fix the issue (YAY) was to:
- turn my lock screen security to none, keeping fingerprint data.
- I then went and started encrypting the sd card again. It failed as usual and I restarted the phone and when it came up it stated the SD Card was successfully encrypted.
- Went to my gallery and all my photos are showing.

I am now completing a backup to google photos and then going to try and decrypt to hopefully keep this from happening in the future!
Hey there, wmclaug2.

Let it finish the decryption process. This means that your card has been encrypted, which is a really bad news for data recovery if you don't have the decryption key. You might have done that via an app as I'm not sure if Android has a built-in encryption tool. Anyway this should be completed before you attempt data recovery.
However, if for some reason you are unable to get to your data, I'd suggest that you try your luck with a data recovery company, as data recovery software might not be up to the task.

Please let me know how it goes.
The only issue is that it never says decryption complete or gives me any indication that the decryption process is working outside of the notification. And yes it was done through android system, no additional apps were used.

Will do!

Alright, what I did to fix the issue (YAY) was to:
- turn my lock screen security to none, keeping fingerprint data.
- I then went and started encrypting the sd card again. It failed as usual and I restarted the phone and when it came up it stated the SD Card was successfully encrypted.
- Went to my gallery and all my photos are showing.

I am now completing a backup to google photos and then going to try and decrypt to hopefully keep this from happening in the future!