android unit screen resolution off

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Apr 4, 2017
today i went in and change the resolution on my android car stereo and now i can only see half the screen
Change it back. You may be able to scroll around it using arrows or touch. Or look up in the manual how to do a reset. Disconnecting power to the radio should also reset it.
You need a few things to fix the issue at hand. You will need a USB mouse, a USB keyboard, and a USB multi-port dongle. Then place the dongle in the one USB port and plug the USB Keyboard and mouse in the ports. Do not try to use a wireless a keyboard or mouse as it will not work.

Use the mouse to click lower than you can see on the screen. You can move the mouse down to click and see what comes up. Go back and move a little lower until you get to the Extra settings menu to come up. Then use the keyboard to put in the code "123456" and the mouse to click ok. Change the resolution back to the very top one and it will reset fixing the issue for you.
I agree, it does not work. i tried this yesterday, I can get to the very bottom option, i think it is developer options. i need to go one more down to General settings, then I could change the resolution, but no matter what I do, I can NOT get down to General options. I tried the mouse, keyboard and developer options is as far down it will go. I tried resetting the unit with the pin in the hole thing and it shuts off , restarts to the same resolution. i tried the pin in the hole thing with the power on/off button and still the same. I am at a loss, i hope someone will come up with a solution as there are thousands of us who have this same issue.
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