Annoying beep when plugging the charger

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Feb 14, 2018
When plug in the charger a beep starts and then the brightness is set to full and then to aminimimal level after some seconds the cycle repits
Try this...

1. Go into "Control Panel" and then "Power Options".

2. Click the "Change plan settings" link next to which ever plan you are currently using and then click "Change advance power settings".

3. Check the settings (you may have to go through all of them) and find any possible options that could cause this. You can start with things like "Display", etc.

4. Once you have gone through them all, and made all your changes, click "Apply" and then click "OK".
Estimados amigos, estuve buscando y consulté directamente a ACER y me pidieron que probara a entrar desde el BIOS y chequear si continúa haciendo el beep en el BIOS. Si continúa haciéndolo entonces el problema es Hardware y se puede determinar si es la batería probando con batería y sin batería en el bios. Voy a hacaer la prueba y les comento los resultados.
Try this...

1. Go into "Control Panel" and then "Power Options".

2. Click the "Change plan settings" link next to which ever plan you are currently using and then click "Change advance power settings".

3. Check the settings (you may have to go through all of them) and find any possible options that could cause this. You can start with things like "Display", etc.

4. Once you have gone through them all, and made all your changes, click "Apply" and then click "OK".
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