Annoying humming sounds and vibrations from PC

Jing wei

Jul 8, 2015
Recently I shifted my PC from the floor to my table and it has come to my attention that my pc is extremely noisy and constantly vibrates. The sound it makes is a low humming noise and it will shake my table. Does anybody know what might be causing this?


There are quiet fans that have vibration assorbing silicon mounts (Noctua), but they do cost more. They also last longer, coming with a 6 year warranty. They are rated for 150,000 hours, which is 17.1 years.

So you can use the cheap fans that most cases come with, and replace most of them every year or two as they die, or you can get high quality fans, and probably go more than a decade without a failure.

Noctua fans are either tan/brown or black. They run from about $16 to $25 each.

The fans I have now come with the CM nepton 240M cooler ( 2 fans with radiator) and the CM 690 III case ( 120mm behind and 240mm in front). How can I be sure that it's them causing the noise?

Water pumps are another source of noise and vibrations. Then you have the fans on those as well. It is impossible to pump water around without having some noise and vibrations somewhere from it.

As long as your case is open, you can unplug the case fans and turn the system on just to see how much quieter things are. But I would not unplug the CPU water cooler. It only takes a second for the CPU to overheat.

I opened my case and traced the source of the sound and it turned out to be my HDD. It was vibrating and being extremely noisy. I had to readjust it and the noise went away, but only for awhile. It came back again within a few hours. Any suggestions?

I cannot imagine having a hard drive that was louder than a water pump + all the fans in my system.

There has to be something wrong with that hard drive. That makes me think the drive is failing. You might want to backup everything you value off of that drive ASAP.