Annoying Java applet


Dec 31, 2007
Hey guys/gals,

I just assembled a new system.
AMD thunderbird 266mhz 1gig
ASUS A7v133
Soundblaster PCI 128
Gigabyte GeForce2 MX
Quantum Fireball AS 40gig ATA100
256 PC-133 SDRAM
fresh Windows ME installation..

I can't figure out why's applet keep freezing my computer. This is the only java applet I know that will crash my entire system. I have tried other applets and they work fine. I don't know why Dialpad is the only one not working.. Any tips? I have tried clearing my browser cache (IE 5.0+) and still no go...

--sign here--
"I used Thevenin to simplify my motherboard's circuits."
--by me--
You can try to install IE 5.5 and reinstall your JAVA virtual machine.

Hope that helps.

It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick!
i find it pretty hard to believe that an applet will crash the whole system. i've tried to build them to do that and it is very hard. the applet runs in a virtual machine inside of the browser, you can crash the vm but taking down the os is very impressive. try it using netscape or download the applet and try it in JDk*'s appletviewer.

*SDK for thoes of you who actualy care.