Annoying Millisecond FPS lag


Feb 2, 2013
Hi guys I recently switched from my old X58 MOBO + i7 920 combo (3 years old) to a new 970A-G46 MSI MOBO + FX 4300.

Yes, I know that the new setup will be slower, but it was 3 years older (I was afraid I damaged the i7 by overclocking on stock fan for 3+ years (stupid thing to do, yes moving on)

Here's my performance parts:

970A-G46 MSI MOBO (new)
FX 4300 (new)
4gb x 2 g.skill ram @ 1600 (new)
GTX 650 ti 2GB (new)
Unknown Brand Hard Drive 500GB (3 years old)
Corsair 600W PSU (new)
Windows 7 ultimate (new)
Idle temps= 20-30C
Drivers updated (is there a program I can DL to check all my drivers as a whole to see if they are updated to make sure?)

Problem: When I'm playing my FPS game (Arctic Combat- graphics similar to COD)
i would get tiny millisecond freezes at moments which sounds fine for some people but it really annoys me and I would like to get rid of it.

With the i7, i don't remember having this problem as blatant

Here are some questions/concerns

1) Since most games use 4 cores, wouldn't my FX 4300 be faster for gaming than the i7? The i7 was @ 2.xx ghz but the FX 4300 is currently at 4.00 ghz.

2) I have some questionable parts
a. Would the old hard drive cause this problem?
b. I read around about bottlenecking and I want to ask if my MOBO is dragging down my performance

Thanks guys
Check that your mb bios as the newest code on it. Check your ram to see if it running at it rated speed. Amd mb have to set the ram right to read 1600 speed if not most mb default to 1333. In nvidia control see if you have te card set for multi monitor set up on single monitor. Make sure it set to performance and energy savings are off to the gpu does not throttle down.
Hi Thanks for the reply.
I'm a bit garbage at these computer stuff so please bare with me.

1) MOBO BIOS - I'll look into this

2) How can I check what speed my ram is running at?
I opened CPU-Z and under memory tab here's what it reads:

2150.0 MHz - NB FREQUENCY (number jumps/constantly updates +/- 0.1)
860.0 MHz - DRAM FREQUENCY (Number is stable/Doesn't change)

3) MULTI-MONITOR is not activated

4) Something I just changed was under Power Options, Where you can choose 3 plans (power save/balanced/performance) it was selected as Balance. I just put it to performance- I will game now and see if it helped)

Thanks a lot