Annoying Noise from rear fan!!


Oct 29, 2013
Hello all ,
These days i have some strange issue rear fan is ennermax tb appolish 120mm
make annoying sound like vibrate ,or bearing sound ,i forgot to mention case is collermaster k350 with window side panel,rubber screws or rubber gaskets can help?
help me pls!!
New fans can fail if the noise is coming directly from fan and not its mounting no sound isolation will fix it. My guess is that if it was not making noise after installation, it is likely not a mounting issue, but a fan failure.

so gaskets or rubber screws want help at all?
Not if the noise is coming directly from the fan which is the most likely issue. You can either tap the center of the fan while it is moving to see if it causes the noise to stop or unplug it to see if noise goes away. it is unlikely that it is a mounting issue I have never had a fan vibrate loose but have had plenty of fans fail.