[SOLVED] Annoying static noise and beeping coming from audio ports. Possible grounding issue?


Dec 12, 2017
Hello, first of all I´m not very good with english but I will try to make it as easy to understand as I can.

Recently, I bought a new case (NZXT S340) and proceeded to install my old system into it. Every component is the same except fans wich came with the case.
Right after the first boot I noticed a very loud static noise/crackling/buzzing coming from my speakers and also headphones (both front and rear jacks are affected). The noise only starts after the wndows logo comes up (boot screen is quiet). The beeping occurs only on startup and when I press shutdown the beeping starts again and continues until it shuts down completely. Another strange thing is that when I play a video on YT and press pause I can hear a whistle sound and sometimes the noise gets stronger when I scroll my mouse.
On the first two boots the noise was very annoying and I couldn´t hear my music playing. After a few hours of idle the music suddenly started working. But even when I play music I can still hear the noise in the background.

I tried to reinstall drivers for a newer realtek R2.28 but no success. I thought that it might be my HDD because of that beeping noise on startup and since it only starts after loading windows. I unplugged it but no success. I thought something was touching the MOBO, I took it out and noticed I left one MOBO standoff under it and it was touching my mobo. I fixed it but still no success. I then unplugged the fans, rerouted cables, even moved it to another house and it´s still doing it.

Righ now I am suspicious about my GPU, SSD and PSU. Are they the cause? Or did I damage my MOBO while installing it in new case?
Could a new soundcard fix my problem ? Should I return the case and try a different one?

I would be glad for more help.
My specs:
CPU: core i5-750@3.6GHz
MOBO: Gigabyte ga-h55m-s2v
RAM: 2x 4GB Ballistix sport DDR3
GPU: MSI Gaming Nvidia GTX 760
HDD: WD Blue 1TB
SSD: ADATA SU850 120GB with Windows 10 OS 64-bit
PSU: EVGA 430w
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Okay, a new soundcard resolved the issue as I was expecting.
I have come to the conclusion that it was not worth getting a different case. I couldn´t find anybody else with my case and this same issue so it has to be something else and I strongly suspect that it is the motherboard. I got a very cheap used soundcard and not only does it fix the problem, but it´s also miles better sounding than on-board realtek chip.
Are the rear audio ports clear, no static or buzzing?

Unfortunately front panel audio typically suffer from this buzzing on some cases or even motherboards. The front audio cable the runs up to the front of the case is not going to be shielded so you will get bleed from other devices such as a HDD or video card.

A new case could fix this problem, but if its the same case it may not fix it. The motherboard could be the culprit as well, You can try to unplugging the front panel audio connector and plug it back in, I'd repeat it a few times so if there was anything on the pins, the repeated unplugging and replugging my fix it.

Also make sure all the standoffs are used on the motherboard, some boards the mounting holes are used for grounding points and could cause audio buzzing.
Okay, a new soundcard resolved the issue as I was expecting.
I have come to the conclusion that it was not worth getting a different case. I couldn´t find anybody else with my case and this same issue so it has to be something else and I strongly suspect that it is the motherboard. I got a very cheap used soundcard and not only does it fix the problem, but it´s also miles better sounding than on-board realtek chip.