Anomalies on screen


Feb 2, 2014
I've noticed some weird anomalies on my screen lately, but strangely enough only in one game, The Long Dark (hehe).
I play a lot of games, from League of Legends and World of Tanks, to Wolfenstein (2014) and I've recently finally got myself to finish Mass Effect 2 and 3. There are also Adr1ft, Subnautica, Osiris New Dawn and a lot more, and my system carries those games without any problems even though it aint really high end, as the matter of fact it aint even mid end...

The artifacts happen randomly, either as soon as I launch the game, or after hours of gaming, and sometimes I need to either restart the game for them to leave or just enter some new area and they're gone (the game has similar loading system like, for example, Skyrim, where the loading screen appears every time you enter or leave a building, or a region).

The temps are ~50C for GPU and ~40C for CPU under load. Not overclocking my CPU but my GPU has a factory OC, or at least they say so on MSI site.
I've cleaned and reseated my GPU and reinstalled drivers.
I've even let the artifacts stay just to test if it would crash the game or give me a BSOD, but nothing happened, it has absolutely no impact on gaming.
The thing that is confusing me the most is that the only game that does this is the above mentioned one.

AMD Athlon II x2 250 @3.0Ghz
AMD R7 260x 2GB DDR5 MSI OC'd

Any ideas what this could mean? Maybe the game is faulty? Is the end of the world near?
Also, here's a video:
Potato cam, I know.