another 290 vs 970 thread sorry


Apr 6, 2014
if the 290 is £50 cheaper than the 970 is it 290 all the way?

MSI Radeon R9 290 4096MB is £170
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 G1 is £230

which one to get by the way i am hoping to play at 1440p possibly with 120hz will this be enough?

thanks for your time!

As far as I can tell, the 970 performs better than the 290 even above 1080p. Example:

The 290x is closer, but he was asking about a 290. Regardless, the 290, 290x, and 970 are all very good gaming cards, and you'd be hard pressed to notice a true difference between any of them for single monitor use.

If you think you are wanting to save money and purchase an SSD as well, I wouldn't buy any SSD now with prices being so low that was less than 240gb. If that fits into your budget, then the 290 would be a good buy.

Also, the Asus and Msi boards both have good cooling solutions, so I would just save money...
so 290 then?

Asus Radeon R9 290 DirectCU II OC 179.99
MSI Radeon R9 290 169.99
i know the asus is slightly higher stock overclock but is it significantly better?

As far as I can tell, the 970 performs better than the 290 even above 1080p. Example:

The 290x is closer, but he was asking about a 290. Regardless, the 290, 290x, and 970 are all very good gaming cards, and you'd be hard pressed to notice a true difference between any of them for single monitor use.

If you think you are wanting to save money and purchase an SSD as well, I wouldn't buy any SSD now with prices being so low that was less than 240gb. If that fits into your budget, then the 290 would be a good buy.

Also, the Asus and Msi boards both have good cooling solutions, so I would just save money and get the Msi.

290 will do just fine, find yourself a 23" or 24" monitor, 60mhz or better with a response time 5ms or less. If it's in the budget, and IPS version would work well. I'm not finding any 290's in the price range you were looking at though, but there is this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 290 4GB PCS+ Video Card (£215.99 @ Amazon UK)
Monitor: ViewSonic VA2349S 60Hz 23.0" Monitor (£114.43 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £330.42
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-25 19:34 GMT+0000
^ the problem with 1440p@120htz is you're pretty much looking at a Korean import,sketchy warranty ,no dead pixel warranty etc - a bit of a minefield, or the qnix evo which is £600 odd!!
There are some overclockable 1440p models about that top out between 95@105htz (Google it)

I'd just stick 27 inch 1440p 60htz personally ,few about on the £250-300 mark then.