Another Gaming PC that I need recommendations on


May 24, 2016
I prevously posted about a PC that I needed a second opinion on but since then I have been able to raise my budget just a bit from £700 to £850. (That computer is here:

(My previous post:

Since then I have found another PC which I like the look of because it has what I think a better graphics card, but I dont honestly know.

All I would like to know is, can this computer run all the latest games (Overwatch, Fallout 4, DOOM, Dark Souls 3 etc.) on MAXIMUM graphics at 1080p with a good solid FPS? And also is this new PC i have chosen is better than the other (in specs and overall value for money)

Here is the PC:

Thanks for the help and I wait eagerly for your replies :)

As Intel chips produce 40% + more instructions per clock cycle, I would say the first PC is a better deal.
AMD CPUS can greatly reduce FPS in games.

The Orginal System can do
DOOM - Maximum yes 1080p
Dark souls - maximum - yes
Overwatch - Maximum yes
Fallout 4 - Yes But some areas do cause issues even with 980ti, but thats more the game than the GPU