Another GTX 770 or i7 4770k?


Nov 18, 2013
So I currently have a fx 8350 which is bottlenecking lots of games for me, ie arma 3, planet side 2, crysis. I could either get another gtx 770 and SLI that with my current 770 and keep the fx 8350, OR have an i7 4770k with a single gtx 770. What do.

In general, most modern motherboards take 240 pin DDR3 RAM. That Corsair Dominator you selected will work, but is extremely overkill. You do not need 16GB for gaming and Corsair Dominator is way overpriced for what you get.
8350 bottlenecking ......u kidding ??

another 770 is your best move right now ... just be sure your power supply is Strong .. like 1000 W or something

changing from 8350 to 4770K will be like 5-8 Fps differance
Okay, sorry i was unclear. On games that can't use up to 8 cores, like arma 3 for example (my favorite game at the moment), the i7 performs WAY better and there's no doubting that. From the standpoint of arma 3, would the way to go be an i7? And my i7 IS bottlenecking my 770 on arma because its a very cpu dependent game, and doesn't use hyper threading.

Side note - How would an i7 4770k and gtx 770 SLI preform?
With a build that has i7 4770k and GTX 770 SLI, do you think I could get at least 30 fps on arma at ultra on arma 3, and at least 60 on ultra on bf4?

Also, I need to find a motherboard that works with Intel. Could you help me? Preferably red and black.

Also, does DDR3 ram work with any CPU? Thanks

In general, most modern motherboards take 240 pin DDR3 RAM. That Corsair Dominator you selected will work, but is extremely overkill. You do not need 16GB for gaming and Corsair Dominator is way overpriced for what you get.