Another Look At 'Dawn Of War III,' Hands-On

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"Better have full moddability and not so dumbed-down action RTS (with pretty gfx) than 2."
I really, really hope that's true, but I'm not holding my breathe. They said they're trying not to alienate the fans of DoW2 either, which means the more MOBA-like aspects of that will likely still rear their ugly head...
they know they alienated DOW 1 players with that sad DOW 2 that could not decide if it was MOBA, FPS or some other random play type.

this should go back to the true RTS roots i hope. i don't normally buy day 1 but i love the original DOW enough that i just might. this assumes they don't try to have 150 dlc packs like DOW 2 had. won't even touch the game if that's the case.
I love most Warhammer 40k games. With they made another like "SpaceMarine". The atmosphere in that game was awesome.
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