Another recurring BSOD irql_not_less_or_equal


Sep 16, 2017
Have been getting a couple of BSOD messages in the past month:

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
i7 6700K 4.3ghz small oc
8gb ddr4
asus Z170-E
gtx 770 4gb small oc
465GB Seagate ST3500413AS
232GB Seagate ST3250318AS
931GB Western Digital WD My Passport
Optical drive

Crashed twice today, both while gaming online. (though i have blue screened working in other apps before) Hoping for someone to look through my logs. Drivers should also be up to date.
I would also apply the current bios update and driver updates for your motherboard from the motherboard vendors website:
(confirm it is the correct board, you have a old asio.sys file from 2012 installed)

the BIOS has microcode updates that are a patch to fix known bugs/issues in release CPU. It has a chance of helping.

you have some old drivers installed for a Wacom PenTablet Tablet Class Driver
(looks like 2 old drivers and one new one, (maybe, all of the driver dates are not correct in the debugger)
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\PTSimBus.sys Wed Jun 17 19:20:48 2009
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\PTSimHid.sys Fri Jun 22 00:20:14 2012
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\TClass2k.sys Wed Nov 11 01:43:39 2015

I would remove the device and drivers and see if it helps.

as for the bugcheck, it looks like your were running overwatch, windows for some reason tried to move the program to another cpu core and reschedule the thread. When it did the stack pointer was set to null and caused the system to bugcheck.

you should change the memory dump to kernel so more info would be saved (info on all of the CPUs)
then provide the kernel memory dump c:\windows\memory.dmp file. it will have much more info and debug logs.

good odds that the mix of old and new drivers for the digitizer could be the problem that made windows attempt to change the core that the game was running on. (just not sure)
Updated bios, ran memtest to thousands of errors; turns out having xmp ram profile loaded fixes this, not sure if this was the problem. And shouldn't it work with default 2133 speeds?

As for the multiple tablet drivers, i use 2 brands of graphics tablets on this system, ill uninstall the older one to see if it helps. Ive also rolled back all overclocks. Will post back to any new bsods. Thanks again!