Another search for basic video editing software....

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May 24, 2015
A while back, I was looking to replace Windows Movie Maker following a Windows reinstallation—I did not realize the software was no longer available for download from Microsoft.

A third party seemed to have repackaged Movie Maker, but it required the use of a proprietary downloder, which scared me off.

USAFret recommended HitFilm Express, and I should have downloaded it back then, because today it requires giving up your Facebook or Google+ information, which I am also uncomfortable with.

One day, we will have to agree to implanting subdermal monitoring devices for software....

I put the software search on the back burner, only now I have a more urgent need to find something.

My needs aren't sophisticated: Basic splicing, transitioning, audio edits, and maybe some text effects at times—stuff required for simple YouTube-type videos.

If anyone has time to throw me a recommendation, I would greatly appreciate the help.

Have a great day!

I just went there to see what had changed.
It does NOT require Facebook or G+.
It asks for an email address, nothing more.
That is weird. When I went to download Monday, I was presented with a menu of social media apps to associate my new account with—it popped up right in the middle of the screen, listing Facebook, Google+, and one other, possibly Instagram. Then I was to write something on my Facebook wall about the application—which I still had not been able to download. I closed everything out and came here to post my experience.

Yesterday, I tried again and was asked to supply my email address and create a password, with no mention of those social media application.

I still have not downloaded, because I'm not certain HitFilm is what I want to start with, having learned of other editing packages, such as VSDC, Adobe Premier and DaVinci Resolve.

Have to figure it out soon, though!

The social media aspect may have come from how you go to the Hitfilm site.
I've never ever seen that.

I also use DaVinci Resolve. It is also quite good.
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