Anti Virus/Spyware/Malware And Basically Everything

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Jul 10, 2015
Hi Guys!

Well I have been using AVG Free edition as my anti virus protection. But then there is question came into my mind that there are so many things for security protection, like I found anti virus, anti malware, anti spyware, anti anything left? 😀 and off course then there is Firewall.

So First let me tell that I download tons from the internet and my computer stays like always downloading and online, since recently I got fast internet facility so why not? 😛

And well the question I have are :

1. Do I need to download just the anti virus or as mentioned anti virus, anti malware, anti spyware and firewall ... ?? Separately ... ?? And also if anything else left apart ... ??
2. What do you recommend if one then which ... ?? And if Need combo's then which to install ... ?? And if there is all in one which that could be ... ?? And Free off course 😀

Thank You :)
The best antivirus/malware/firewall exists between your ears. Don't just randomly download infected junk.

BitDefender (free)


Spybot Search&Destroy

And how do you know that this file is infected and this file isn't?

Where are you downloading from?
Anything torrent + "exe" is likely infected.
Anything cracked is almost certainly infected.
Anything torrent + .zip is likely infected.

Download from trusted sources, and only download applications that are actually 'free'.
There is zero need to download some 'application' that is cracked, and you absolutely must have. There are free variants of just about anything.

Alright, so in past I was just using AVG antivirus free edition. So I was missing the full security protection as I didn't installed anti other stuff ... ??
And so now I need to install all the said mentioned anti this and that for total protection, right and how about firewalls? That too ... ??
The standard Windows firewall, and whatever firewall your router has are just fine.

Those other things, MalwareBytes and Spybot are run on 'as needed' basis. Not active all the time.

Again, be very selective where you 'download' things from. That is your best line of defense.

MalwareBytes and SpyBot : Don't need to be installed all the time, is that what you mean to say ... ??
And I'll install those two as you said, but those two are enough? This will complete the anti everything, as I was asking for ... ?? Or do I need a additional anti virus with these two ... ??

Between thanks for replying and helping out :)

They need to be installed. Just not running and active all the time.
You also need an active antivirus. BitDefender, as mentioned above.

Oh my bad, didn't read your first reply regarding BitDefender, sorry.

So the combo will go like :

Bit Defender (Antivirus)
SpyBot Search And Destroy (Anti Spyware)
MalwareBytes (Anti Malware)


Other people will chime in with other things, but that is what I use.

Thanks for helping me out in clearing my doubts about anti viruses and choosing the software that will protect my computer.

Thanks again bro :)
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