Antivirus Suggestions Windows 8?

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Jun 6, 2011
Hello, Ive been using free Antivirus and antispyware for years have decided to actually buy one, But which one, I run Windows 8 , Mainly online gaming, email, browse internet all the usual things , not for business just for home use preferably would like to be able to put it on my laptop aswell as my PC. Cheers. My friends recommend Kaspersky and Symantec, Any experiences or information would be great, Thanks.
A lot of this is going to come down to a bit of user preference and what they know works verses what is actually better. Most of the businesses I've worked with prefer Kaspersky. I personally use Avast!. At my most recent employer we only used Windows Defender. The computer I'm on right now uses Symantec Endpoint Protection. What I'm getting at is, there are a number of them that are superb and not a single one is perfect. I'd go with one of the more popular ones (for support purposes) that offers the most features and is the least pricey.

Considering your usage though, you can get by just fine with the free products. Look at Avast!:

Unless you're purchasing the Premiere, the only things you're really...
I heard that BitDefender Antivirus Plus 2013 is a great antivirus. It is highly effective. There are some people having issues with scan times, but their real-time protection is great, and they rarely give out false positives. Internet Security is basically Antivirus Plus with a firewall, but Windows 8 comes with a free firewall. The firewall that comes with BitDefender is a great one, though, and it has many options. Their 2013 editions are also Windows 8 compatible.

However, if you really need faster scan times in exchange for a little accuracy (it's all about balancing the two, y'know), you could try Kapersky Antivirus. I've had speed and RAM problems with Norton in the past, but I'm not sure about the latest questions. So it's either BitDefender for accuracy or Kapersky for a bit more speed. I am a happy BitDefender user, BTW.
Cheers mate, Im running Kaspersky atm, and pretty happy with it but as im uninformed on such things thought I might ask the community. Scan times dont bother me, more interested in the best protection and removal of nasty software :)
A lot of this is going to come down to a bit of user preference and what they know works verses what is actually better. Most of the businesses I've worked with prefer Kaspersky. I personally use Avast!. At my most recent employer we only used Windows Defender. The computer I'm on right now uses Symantec Endpoint Protection. What I'm getting at is, there are a number of them that are superb and not a single one is perfect. I'd go with one of the more popular ones (for support purposes) that offers the most features and is the least pricey.

Considering your usage though, you can get by just fine with the free products. Look at Avast!:

Unless you're purchasing the Premiere, the only things you're really missing are things you likely already have: Firewall (you likely have one on your router and Windows has one built in), AntiSpam (most email providers take care of that for you, I cannot fathom how Avast on you PC would integrate with Gmail on the web), SafeZone (overlapping what online retailers already do, while certainly not a bad thing, it's not necessary).

Just make sure you get your money's worth.
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