Any able to recommend a compressed air duster to keep my PC clean?


Dec 15, 2013
My PC gets clogged with dust, and every now and then I get the vacuum out and clean it.

I had to take the PC in for a repair recently, and the technician used a compressed air cleaner. He told me that this was much more efficient than a vacuum.

I had a look on eBay, but there are zillions of them, with almost no way to tell a good one from a bad one.

Anyone able to recommend one?


Among issues with a vacuum is that they create static electricity and can damage components. Blowing for whatever reason does not.

I personally use a cheap low level leaf blower from BnD. It has worked really well for me for years. I have not broken any fan blades or overspun the fan feeding voltage back, or any of the other horror stories you may hear regarding that use. Considering the cost of those "air can" solutions it doesn't take long to go over the price of a cheap blower. There are also a few special made niche products that amount to the same thing.
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Never had any issues with just a can of compressed air. Unless you're (IMO) freakish about keeping your PC dust free, a single can will last you a couple of years. For me, once every three months or so is enough.

-Wolf sends
It's more efficient to blow air onto the computer than it is to suck air from it, because the sucking action doesn't provide a lot of force to dislodge the dust. It requires you to "brush" the surface being vacuumed, which can cause static electricity problems.

Anyway, while it's expensive, I have a DataVac. Thing just works.