Any Advice on Picking a New Motherboard?


Dec 7, 2014
Hey there, my bud is picking up a new cpu and motherboard as well as ram. He is going from a fx 6300 to an intel 7500. He doesn't want to overclock so that seemed like the best option. What motherboard would you recommend?

He uses his computer mostly for gaming but again he is not overclocking so it might be less important for him to get a high quality motherboard.

I was thinking an MSI B150 Gaming M3 or the non gaming version MSI B150 PC Mate.
But i also saw the the non-gaming b250 for around the same price as the gaming m3 but i'm not sure if it really matters or would make a difference.

also the ram we were looking at was Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4 DRAM 2400MHz.

any help you can give would be appreciated.