Any chance i can open up to clean my LED monitor?


Jun 28, 2014
Hello all,
I live in Britain and it is the time of year that there are millions of these tiny tiny spider/ant thing.. and somehow one got into my LED monitor, behind the screen, it was moving around and so i decided to try and kill it. Now it's splatted on my screen, and its very annoying especially I have a white background window.

If i open up my monitor, will i be able to actually get to the front screen without damaging my monitor?

Monitor: LG 24EA53 (

Many thanks!


I just had this exact same issue. Little freak walking around inside the monitor. I pushed a little too hard, and now he's dead...a permanent tiny black spot.

I'm just going to live with it instead of possibly screwing up the monitor.

For anyone else with this issue, wait until the little creature is at the edge of the screen, then kill it. Won't be as noticeable.