Any "full length" vr games?

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Jun 24, 2018
Other than Fallout 4 and Skyrim, what are some good FULL LENGTH VR games? I've bought about a dozen, and Beat Saber is understandably great, but they're all the size of glorified demos and arcade shooters. Any meatier games out there? HUGE fan off Fallout 4, just not paying $80 for a VR variant of it when I already have the original and all DLC.
Soooo... the term "Full Length" is completely unspecific. Per the examples you provided "Tetris" would not be considered a "Full Length" game.
I think any answer I provide is going to disappoint if based on that criteria.

How about this...
+ Are there games you would recommend that...
1) Have more than 1 hour of game play.
2) Have replay-ability.
3) Do not feel like an unpolished demo / VR experiment.

If we go with that, then here is what I've got...
-- Rec Room. (an absolute must for VR and completely FREE!)
-- Arizona Sunshine (I don't fully recommend, because it wasn't fun IMO, but great if you have a friend to play with.)
-- Star Trek VR (you will need 2-3 VR friends who haven't played it, and you'll get about 8 -16 hours...
Soooo... the term "Full Length" is completely unspecific. Per the examples you provided "Tetris" would not be considered a "Full Length" game.
I think any answer I provide is going to disappoint if based on that criteria.

How about this...
+ Are there games you would recommend that...
1) Have more than 1 hour of game play.
2) Have replay-ability.
3) Do not feel like an unpolished demo / VR experiment.

If we go with that, then here is what I've got...
-- Rec Room. (an absolute must for VR and completely FREE!)
-- Arizona Sunshine (I don't fully recommend, because it wasn't fun IMO, but great if you have a friend to play with.)
-- Star Trek VR (you will need 2-3 VR friends who haven't played it, and you'll get about 8 -16 hours of gameplay before you get bored. Note, I haven't tried the new DLC.)
-- Resident Evil. (Triple-A title... I put my friends in it, and they liked it.. but my carpet smells of "fear" now.)
-- Peirhead Arcade. (A cute VR recreation of a beach arcade. All mini-games in a sense, but well polished for an early indie game, and I enjoyed it.)

There are some games that do meet the criteria, but I don't fully recommend as MUST BUYS! (or 20% Buys)
Also.. going on Steam and sorting by Highest Review in VR gives you the best list of games to play. (note: that list excludes Rec Room cause it is FREE!) :)

Nightstar Alliance!

This is a game I've been working on and is in Early Access on Steam, checkout the reviews and let us know how you feel or give us a review to help us get some visibility if possible :)

When I started the project my first thought was, "I want to create a VR GAME" < Emphasis here because I'm also done with the tiny games which, although fun, just don;t say "game" to me.

Nightstar Alliance is a VR Arcade Shooter set during the destruction of Earth via the SUPREMACY (A vicious AI fleet). You build a ship, arm your own fleet and attempt to save the commanders of the Nightstar whilst escaping to a safe haven in the outer rim.

During the game you encounter dialogue sections and short in game cutscenes that paint the bigger picture!

I hope it's what you guys n gals are looking for :)

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