Any good GPUs that I could buy for this PC?

Juu Nii

Jan 9, 2016
Is there any good GPUs that would fit into this PC? I will buy a new motherboard if I cant fit anything on it. This is a stock PC that i'm trying to upgrade as my budget is like 350€ right now. I would like the GPU to be powerful enough to run newer games.

PC Model: Asus Desktop PC m11BB Series
Motherboard: f2a55-m/m11bb/dp_mb (At Least I think that's the model)
Processor: AMD A10-6700 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (Quad Core) 3.70GHz
Power Supply: Some 350W piece of junk.
Storage: TOSHIBA DT01ACA200 SATA Disk Device

Off the bat, I'll say that we'll have trouble finding what graphics cards are compatible with your CPU which, based on ASUS's website, appears to be an A55 processor that seems to be a special chip only sold in prebuilts. At the very least, it's not listed on the compatibility website I use (

Outside of that, your PSU won't allow for much more to go in that case. You'll almost definitely have to stick with something that only draws 75W or lower so that it doesn't need extra power connectors from the stock PSU.

If I found the right motherboard (it's not totally clear - the F2A55-M has some variants), you have the PCIe slot for a better card, though. I think you'll have to go with maybe a GTX960 or lower.

Others may be able to help more than that. I just don't want to tell you that something will work only to have you buy it and it not work.
i had that same motherboard with an a8-5500 APU on a bestbuy purchased ASUS. Heres my advice..

If youre not planning on upgrading your MoBo + Processor, get a gtx 950. 960s might bottleneck, and a 970 almost definitely would.
Also, many 950s have a lower power consumption compared to their Radeon counterpart.

This is the set up i upgraded to,
~~~ --- heres a sweet deal on a modular power supply so you dont have to deal with all those extra cables getting in the way.

However, the Zotac GPU was only like 150$ when i purchased... also, the only reason i switched motherboards was because i really wanted to get away from the fm2/2+ and move to an am3+. (AMD FX6300 seemed like the best thing for me) It was actually a downgrade in MoBo capability.

Some other things you need to consider is the size of your case, what case do you have??
You might need a mATX motherboard.
There were a bunch of radeon r7s and GTX 950s that i was considering, but they wouldnt have fit in my case. thats part of the reason i got the Zotac, it was like 2 inches shorter than many equal GPUs.
Thanks for the reply! I actually went for a Gigabyte R7 360 OC 2GB as my GPU and some Corsair VS550 PSU. I accidentally bought an non-modular one 🙁((
haha yeh thats okay. if its corsair i think their nonmodulars are a little more dependable than their modulars. just tuck the extra cables somewhere above your optical drive or something. i made the same mistake dude