Any HDD,only clicking sound in my PC.


Sep 30, 2013
I have a Samsung laptop HDD brand new in my PC whenever i connect it and try to install windows it makes clicking sounds and stops spinning then starts spining after a while and it keeps happening over and over though the clicking sound comes when the HDD stops spining and also PC restarts with blue screen or just freezes to any spot.I also tried to format it in other PC and reinstall the Windows again in my PC,same problem.also if i only check the HDD with only power connector connected from the PSU and Sata cable disconnected i can also hear the noise and can feel same spinning and stopping.Also,if i switch of the PC for some hours than again switch on the PC the HDD doesn't make any sound and works fine,this way i managed to install windows in it but after some reboots as the installation does,the sound came back and can't go further from the Windows logo the PC just reboots it self with bluescreen.
If i test this HDD on any other PC it works fine.And if i do the same with any other HDD in my PC it do the same thing(spin and stops spin and stops) and also external HDDs via USB does the same thing.
PC Specs:
Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 Mobo
Samsung 250GB HDD
Cooler master V750 PSU
I7 3770
Gigabyte GTX 970
Hyper 212X
Corsair vengeance pro 8GB
Hello... Your +5Vdc from the PS, powers all of these devices... it is a Common thread here. B /
1) inspecting all the PS RED output wires... could be pinched inside somewhere... and shorting to ground.
2) I would suggest removing the MB from the case and testing the MB on a cardboard BOX.
3) OR trying another PS
4) MB has a failing/failed +5Vdc device.

the +5VDC is being sucked down from some where... or Power supply cant handle it any more... B )
drives always start and stop. its how they read and is generally meant to save power when they are not in use. however, the clicking drive is failing and should be replaced. you should never hear a clicking noise from a hard drive. it may pass tests but if it clicks its faulty.
But if i try any other HDDs they does the exact same thing.and its not like the spinning stopped because of this it seems like it stops when the PC tries to read or write from it

Its a samsung HM251HI 250GB 2.5 inch drive and i have tried 2 or 3 more HDDs but they all do the same problem,also sometime the HDDs doesnt appear in bios or most of time in the windows installation wizard.

Sounds like the power cable isn't providing sufficient voltage or amperage to spin up the drives, or is providing marginal power so the extra needed to move the R/W heads is sufficient to cause it to stop spinning. Check the power cable's output with a multimeter (black = ground, red = 5V, yellow = 12V), or switch to a different power connection from the PSU. This could be as simple as a frayed wire.

I am not getting what u are asking please explain...
Its a brand new HDD.

As the psu is a semi modular so i have checked another cables also but same results and also on the usb ports the extrernal HDD do the same u think its the psu?
Hello... Your +5Vdc from the PS, powers all of these devices... it is a Common thread here. B /
1) inspecting all the PS RED output wires... could be pinched inside somewhere... and shorting to ground.
2) I would suggest removing the MB from the case and testing the MB on a cardboard BOX.
3) OR trying another PS
4) MB has a failing/failed +5Vdc device.

the +5VDC is being sucked down from some where... or Power supply cant handle it any more... B )

Yes ur answer seems to have been right as i changed the power supply and its working again now! I knew it it was the PSU.