M mis33 Distinguished Jun 21, 2007 222 0 18,680 Sep 28, 2007 #1 My first choice was P5K-Premium. Too bad it did not work out because of hard disks issues. Now I have to find another board and I am choosing between P5K-Deluxe and GA-P35-DQ6. Do your P5K-Deluxe boards have issues working with hard drives?
My first choice was P5K-Premium. Too bad it did not work out because of hard disks issues. Now I have to find another board and I am choosing between P5K-Deluxe and GA-P35-DQ6. Do your P5K-Deluxe boards have issues working with hard drives?
M martinete Distinguished Sep 28, 2007 18 0 18,510 Oct 1, 2007 #2 I have a P5K deluxe wifi-ap and it rocks. I have installed a Western Digital Caviar SE 16 500GB and it doesn't present any failures or issues. My hard drive is a SATA 300.
I have a P5K deluxe wifi-ap and it rocks. I have installed a Western Digital Caviar SE 16 500GB and it doesn't present any failures or issues. My hard drive is a SATA 300.