Any high-end MB with single VGA slot ?


Jun 21, 2007
It semes all the high end MB like P5K-Premium/Deluxe, GA-P35-DQ6 and IP35-Pro come with 2nd VGA slot.

Because of the SATA issues with the P5K-Premium, I have all components (Q6600-G0, eVGA 8800GTS-320 MB SC, 1x1GB OCZ, P182, etc) and have to look for another MB. I won't be using dual VGA for this new PC so the 2nd VGA will be a waste for me. Can I use this 2nd VGA slot for something else, using it like a regular PCI slot?

I probably need a lesson on these PCI slots. For example, P5K-Premium has the following:
1. 2 x PCI-E x16 (blue @ x16 mode, black @ x4 or x1 mode)
2. 2 x PCI-E x1
3. 3 x PCI

I assume these 2 PCI-E slots are the short ones, what are they used for?

When I installed the eVGA-8800GTS into the P5K-Premium, I noticed that this card blocked completely one of the PCI slot, rendering it unusable. Should this be considered a design fault?
NO! the pci-e slots are the longer ones and they're used for video cards!
The pci-e x1 are for (I've yet to see anything for them!) other periferals. eg. modems,sound, etc...
The other pci are ...well... regular pci slots for the stuff that's out there now!
As far as high end sli mobo's go, you don't need one and can find a single x16 solution from most major board manufacturers.
For what it costs to buy 2 pci-e high end cards you could build 2 computers!
The mobo I'm using right now Foxconn p9657aa motherboard will run the q6600 and it's dirt cheap!
Only one pci-e x16 slot very o/cable and stable!
Hope this helps.....
AKAIK, PCI-E slot can run in lower lane mode without problem so a PCI-E x16 can run in x8, x4, x1 too.

PCI-E slot can be used for graphic card, to be released X-Fi card by Creative, network card and mass storage controller card among others.

they do exist - wifi cards, sound cards etc.
I have a Adaptec 3805 Raid card (4x) working in the 2nd 16x slot on my P5K-E/wifi. So they do some in handy, even a 2nd gpu for more monitors is handy (what ill be doing soon with my P5B/deluxe rig)