Any idea what hardware error these codes mean?


Jul 16, 2014
Curious if anyone can tell me what exactly this error means. I have not had it since the 25th, but between june 5th and july 25th I am seeing is randomly at times. Each time I see it I am also seeing a BEX64 issue as well which is somehow related to AMD which leads me to think it's something with the GPU. It could be a million different things so knowing this code would be ideal. I tried searching all of these numbers and nothing comes up.

Are the parameter numbers some type of code to let you know what is wrong? Everything was running great until windows forced more garbage updates on me and now some restarts. I'm testing random things right now related to fixing a BEX64 error. Computer has not actually restarted from these errors until yesterday. I've seen about 8 of them in the last month, but only restart yesterday and then a few random restarts today. Went to an older version on my GPU drivers and not running anything like Afterburner or Discord and it's been running for a half hour or so, but not enough time to tell anything yet.


Hardware error

‎7/‎11/‎2018 3:38 AM

Not reported

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffff89825cbdc4a0
Parameter 2: fffff8069730ed48
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 303c
OS version: 10_0_17134
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.17134.
Locale ID: 1033

Can you follow option one on the following link - here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)

what are specs of the PC?

don't donwload their PC repair tool but see if any of the suggestions help -

Much of the time this is a GPU error but I have seen it apply to SATA devices as well.

See if this helps
right click start button
choose powershell (admin)
type SFC...
Can you follow option one on the following link - here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)

what are specs of the PC?

don't donwload their PC repair tool but see if any of the suggestions help -

Much of the time this is a GPU error but I have seen it apply to SATA devices as well.

See if this helps
right click start button
choose powershell (admin)
type SFC /scannow and press enter
once its completed, copy/paste this command into same window:
Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth and press enter
SFC fixes system files, second command cleans image files, re run SFC if it failed to fix all files and restart PC