Any Newer Graphics Cards That Would Fit My PC?

Assuming you run a mobo with 1x can run whatever card you want to run...

Some titles will be affected more heavily by the CPU and the cards full potential won't be unleashed (bottlenecking could occur), however it doesn not mean a specific gpu won't run at all with your build.

We don't know the power of your PSU either...without this no recommendation can be made.

I would aim to put in a 750ti (low consumption, a clear upgrade to a 210 and costs comparatively little)
mini itx version of 750ti should be ok, but they might be hard to find. There aren't many graphics cards out there that are lower than 4.3 inches. A regular sized 750 ti probably won't fit that case.

You might also have trouble with your older power supply being able to give you enough electricity.

You are probably better off buying a cheap laptop computer when you can afford it.

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