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Not sure if you are familiar with the new game , but there is a optional 10 gig download pack for ultra high def texture pack , that is what i am refering to .
well i have known about the game just didn't knew about any downloadable component for that anyways sorry for doubting .The r9 280x is powerful enough for handling the game at max settings so you dont have to hold back for your card.
is that with the optional 10gb download , as it is not downloaded as part of the standard download of the game , ultra is there as a setting , but the Ultra HD extras texture pack is not :-
The required specs for the Ultra Pack are inflated. It states that it requires 6gb of VRAM. I have an r9 290 with 4gb and it runs great on Ultra averaging over 70 fps. I'd download it and try. You can always set the graphics back to high if it slows it down.