Any proccessor can be overclocked?


Oct 13, 2013
I have intel core i5 3450s and some guy said you can overclock any proccessor not just the K ones,true? False?

Why does it say my proccessor can be turbo boosted to 3,5ghz but it's clocked at 2,8 and I can change the voltages in the bios. So overclockable or not?
The turbo boost is an automatic overclock of the cpu when in windows.
When for example the cpu has to do a very demanding task.

It will then, in the case of a laptop for example when the cpu does not have much do to drop the clock frequency back to the setting of 2.8Ghz.
This is to save on battery power and the amount of time the laptop can be used.

If you manually set the option in the bios to its top speed of 3.5ghz then the usage time or battery running time of the laptop will reduce.

Its an energy, battery saving device. mostly used on laptops.
As mouse24 says any turbo enabled Intel chip, so basically i5 and i7 can be overclocked by 4x multiplier. So 4x 100mhz for example. So I have in my machine an i7 2600 non K and I have it overclocked to 3.8 with a 4.2 turbo which is actually about how much most people overclock the K series chip lol!