any suggestions best tool to erase drive and best tool to encypt drive


Sep 20, 2008
probably different tools i think true crypt is best encryption tool but not certain on that. i am using windows 10 also would like to know of a good tool to securly erase hard drives reguler spindle ones
seagate? i dont get it you mean sea tools?

would you guys consider the drive eraser on the cc cleaner as good for general purposes or dban just the go to tool. porpuse it to make sure any virus that has been on it in the pastr does not exist even after removal of virus. like oddly enough i have a 100mb of space that isnt even in a partition somehow was created at the begging of the drive that i cant seem to extend partition to to make it one partition

already cleaned it with a virus scanner though or is that space created because of bitlocker being on.

update 129mb of space to be exact
does anyone know of bitlocker sets aside a small unpartitioned space in front of the drive am going to clear drive at some point when i have somthin to back the information up to but am kinda wonderin why my 2tb drive has 129mb of unpartitioned space. dont believe iv ever had a windows installation there