I ordered some cheapo 20 dollar 1 TB flash drive from Amazon. It seems bogus because I loaded it up with a series of RAR files. Each file was broken down in 4.7 gig and I tried to put 30 parts in there. One time it stopped at the 12th RAR file. Then I put it in NTFS from Xfat and it somehow made it to 12 the part 13 was corrupted. It took a day just to load 25 parts. Speed was down to 2.5bps. I think it's a 64 gig storage and doesn't report errors during writing to the op system. Since Windows relies on the flash drive to tell it to request a resend on something that didn't take, I think it's not reporting errors. You gotta watch what you get and I think this is as bogus as can be. I claimed to have writted 25 parts, each with 4.7 gigs yet it knows nothing of the parts above 13. Like it stores the files written but there was no space to write them. What's a decent brand guys?