Any suggestions on my parts list?

Jun 12, 2018

Im wondering if the build Idea I have made is good for overclocking the cpu and gou good. Im mostly conserned ab the storage. Is it worth just having a m.2 nvme for the os or should I go for a sata ssd. Im also wondering if loadtimes with a ssd and hhd and m.2 nvme have big differences between them. Im also wondering if I should go for the regular ftw3 or the hybrid ftw3. Aswell as what is good ram that I can use to make the price of the list lower than $3000

Hope you can help!
What is the intended use-case?

The build looks.....excessive, in areas.
1. The motherboard is a little overkill, although a great board.
2. Depending on the use-case(s), 3200MHz might be wasted on this build. 2666MHz or so, depending on the workload, will likely be identical in performance.
3. An M.2 NVMe will benchmark substantially faster.... but depending on the use-case, the only difference might be 1-2 seconds in boot times!
4. What's the intent with the 250GB SSD + 1TB SSD?
1. What mobo would be a good alturnative thats good for overclocking?
2. Im planing to play games some school work and maby some streaming and video making and why is 2666ghz better
3. I would have tge nvme m.2 for the OS and most used aplications if space is avalible
4. Idk to be honest I wanted to have a boot ssd and an ssd for aplications and games. The hhd was for mass storage like pictures videos documents etc.
1. The Hero is a good board, but in the ~$200 space, I'd be more inclined to look to the Taichi from ASRock.

2. 2666MHz isn't "better", inherently. BUT, for the workloads you described, you're not likely to benefit from the faster speeds. If the cost is similar, there's no harm.... and it'll depend how flashy you want it to be. For example, you're proposing a $50 premium for that kit vs something like:
When baseline performance would be identical (or +/- a couple of %)

3. Ok, that makes sense. Your build has 2x SATA 2.5" drives though... An M.2 PCIe drive would be a "nice to have" though, for sure.
That being said, the M.2 form-factor makes things more tidy, and even SATA based drives could make some sense.

4. Depending on the number of games/size of applications etc, it might be a good option. If you only have a handful of games installed at a time though, you might be better with a single, larger SSD.

For example, without digging too much into it, this should perform identically.... and save you ~$200

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7GHz 6-Core Processor ($347.00 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: NZXT - Kraken X62 Rev 2 98.2 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($146.33 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z370 Taichi ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($207.88 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($160.98 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial - MX500 1TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($229.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($56.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB FTW3 HYBRID GAMING Video Card ($959.99 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT - H700i ATX Mid Tower Case ($176.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.89 @ OutletPC)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Pro OEM 64-bit ($14.00)
Case Fan: Corsair - ML140 97.0 CFM 140mm Fans ($39.29 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: NZXT - Aer RGB120 61.4 CFM 120mm Fan ($29.49 @ Amazon)
Case Fan: NZXT - Aer RGB140 71.6 CFM 140mm Fan ($34.64 @ B&H)
Case Fan: NZXT - Aer RGB140 71.6 CFM 140mm Fan ($34.64 @ B&H)
Other: NZXT Internal USB Port Expansion Kit, Black (AC-IUSBH-M1) ($25.98 @ Amazon)
Other: CableMod AIO Sleeving Kit Series 2 for EVGA CLC / NZXT Kraken - White ($19.99)
Other: CableMod AIO Sleeving Kit Series 2 for EVGA CLC / NZXT Kraken - White ($19.99)
Other: CableMod PRO ModMesh E-Series G3 / G2 / P2 / T2 Cable Kit (White) ($99.95 @ Amazon)
Total: $2684.01
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-06-13 15:38 EDT-0400

In certain workloads, sure. Potentially in video editing. But for the other tasks..... It's hardly a value-add for a $50 premium.