Any suggestions?



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Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now
I'm about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.

In any case, my situation:

Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...

The setup:

@@@ @ @
|..[(%| @@@@ @
|..| )|@
|..| ^ |

Y the Peregrinatrix St:18/15 Dx:13 Co:18 In:13 Wi:13 Ch:15 Neutral
Fort Ludios $:0 HP:6(110) Pw:72(72) AC:-19 Exp:12

I am the "Q". There are soldiers all around me. The H (hill giant), N
(guardian naga - they paralyze critters), s (giant spider) are all mine.

I am not really a "Q" :)

I have 6 hitpoints.
I have read a blessed scroll of earth, so I am surrounded by boulders
with Soldiers.

My inventory is pretty empty:
x - an uncursed amulet called ESP (being worn)
a - an uncursed silver saber (weapon in hand)
s - 6 blessed darts
v - 30 +2 darts
A - an uncursed dagger (wielded in other hand)
l - a +3 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
t - a +0 hard hat (being worn)
w - a +0 pair of speed boots (being worn)
E - a burnt +0 pair of fencing gloves (being worn)
Z - an uncursed +0 cloak called magic protection (being worn)
n - a lizard corpse
r - an uncursed lizard corpse
B - an egg
I - a blessed +1 ring of protection (on right hand)
K - a +4 ring of protection (on left hand)
e - an uncursed wand of fire
i - an uncursed wand of cold
G - an uncursed wand of striking
H - an uncursed wand called platinum dunno
L - an uncursed wand of magic missile
O - an uncursed wand called Teleport
S - an uncursed wand called brass dunno
V - a cursed wand called pine dunno
W - an uncursed wand of striking
Y - an uncursed wand of magic missile
d - an uncursed unicorn horn
f - an uncursed pick-axe
g - an uncursed stethoscope
j - an uncursed bag called o' holding
k - an uncursed key
o - an uncursed towel
q - an uncursed lamp
y - an uncursed magic whistle
X - an uncursed key
z - an uncursed stone called gray 1
F - 2 uncursed gems called orange hard
J - 2 stones called gray 1
M - 3 gems called orange hard
N - 7 black gems
P - 5 white gems
R - 2 uncursed stones called "scritch scrith"
U - an uncursed gray stone
(2 of 2)

I don't think I'll get a chance to use anything in the bag of holding,
but it contains
7308 zk.
a couple of wands (lightning, cold, teleport, create monster, in case I
want to go out with a bang, a (probably magic) harp that would probably
make me burdoned if I pulled it out.

Did I mention I have 6 hp?

Oh, and my God just told me that I had to play the right tune. Thanks -
I'll try a dirge.

Any suggestions?



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Little White Mouse <> was moved to say:

> @@
> @@@@
> @@@ @ @
> -------Q@@@@@
> |.....|@@H@@@
> |....))Ns@)@
> |.)$..|)@@@@@
> |..[(%| @@@@ @
> |..-|----@@@
> |..| )|@
> |..| ^ |
> ---------

Suggestion 1: Zap the "wand called teleport" at yourself.

Suggestion 2: Zap it in the direction where the soldiers are least,
so that you can escape in that direction.

Suggestion 3:

You are AC -19, so you won't be easy to hit (although one hit will
probably be enough).

Did you say there are now boulders immediately around you? Your pet
Hill Giant will likely grab one or two of them and throw them, opening
up a space. Just blast away with whatever wands you have when that
opening comes up.

I really think the teleporting wand, or perhaps one of the
unidentified wands, is your solution.


Pleased to see another tourist in the house



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JPD wrote on Sun, 20 Mar 2005 07:29:49 GMT:
> Suggestion 1: Zap the "wand called teleport" at yourself.

Ludious is a no-teleport level.

If the OP has a ring of conflict in his bag, he might have a chance. But
most likely he's dead no matter what.

"Sometimes I stand by the door and look into the darkness. Then I
am reminded how dearly I cherish my boredom, and what a precious
commodity is so much misery." -- Jack Vance


Dec 31, 2007
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> Suggestion 1: Zap the "wand called teleport" at yourself.
> Suggestion 2: Zap it in the direction where the soldiers are least,
> so that you can escape in that direction.

Better yet: (a)pply the wand called teleport


Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Little White Mouse" <> wrote in message
> Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now I'm
> about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.
> In any case, my situation:
> Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...
> The setup:
> @@
> @@@@
> @@@ @ @
> -------Q@@@@@
> |.....|@@H@@@
> |....))Ns@)@
> |.)$..|)@@@@@
> |..[(%| @@@@ @
> |..-|----@@@
> |..| )|@
> |..| ^ |
> ---------
> Y the Peregrinatrix St:18/15 Dx:13 Co:18 In:13 Wi:13 Ch:15
> Neutral
> Fort Ludios $:0 HP:6(110) Pw:72(72) AC:-19 Exp:12
> I am the "Q". There are soldiers all around me. The H (hill giant), N
> (guardian naga - they paralyze critters), s (giant spider) are all mine.
> I am not really a "Q" :)
> I have 6 hitpoints.
> I have read a blessed scroll of earth, so I am surrounded by boulders with
> Soldiers.
> My inventory is pretty empty:
> Amulets
> x - an uncursed amulet called ESP (being worn)
> Weapons
> a - an uncursed silver saber (weapon in hand)
> s - 6 blessed darts
> v - 30 +2 darts
> A - an uncursed dagger (wielded in other hand)
> Armor
> l - a +3 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
> t - a +0 hard hat (being worn)
> w - a +0 pair of speed boots (being worn)
> E - a burnt +0 pair of fencing gloves (being worn)
> Z - an uncursed +0 cloak called magic protection (being worn)
> Comestibles
> n - a lizard corpse
> r - an uncursed lizard corpse
> B - an egg
> Rings
> I - a blessed +1 ring of protection (on right hand)
> K - a +4 ring of protection (on left hand)
> Wands
> e - an uncursed wand of fire
> i - an uncursed wand of cold
> G - an uncursed wand of striking
> H - an uncursed wand called platinum dunno
> L - an uncursed wand of magic missile
> O - an uncursed wand called Teleport
> S - an uncursed wand called brass dunno
> V - a cursed wand called pine dunno
> W - an uncursed wand of striking
> Y - an uncursed wand of magic missile
> Tools
> d - an uncursed unicorn horn
> f - an uncursed pick-axe
> g - an uncursed stethoscope
> j - an uncursed bag called o' holding
> k - an uncursed key
> o - an uncursed towel
> q - an uncursed lamp
> y - an uncursed magic whistle
> X - an uncursed key
> Gems
> z - an uncursed stone called gray 1
> F - 2 uncursed gems called orange hard
> J - 2 stones called gray 1
> M - 3 gems called orange hard
> N - 7 black gems
> P - 5 white gems
> R - 2 uncursed stones called "scritch scrith"
> U - an uncursed gray stone
> (2 of 2)
> I don't think I'll get a chance to use anything in the bag of holding, but
> it contains
> 7308 zk.
> a couple of wands (lightning, cold, teleport, create monster, in case I
> want to go out with a bang, a (probably magic) harp that would probably
> make me burdoned if I pulled it out.
> Did I mention I have 6 hp?
> Oh, and my God just told me that I had to play the right tune. Thanks -
> I'll try a dirge.
> Any suggestions?
> --LWM

If you haven't prayed in the last 1000 turns and are not crowned, then pray
now, and you will be restored to full health.


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legopowa wrote:
> "Little White Mouse" <> wrote in message
> news:A%6%d.11140$jt6.1314@trndny07...
> > Did I mention I have 6 hp?
> >
> > Oh, and my God just told me that I had to play the right tune.
Thanks -
> > I'll try a dirge.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > --LWM
> If you haven't prayed in the last 1000 turns and are not crowned,
then pray
> now, and you will be restored to full health.

I think that meant he just prayed and his god didn't think his health
wasn't a big problem *laugh*

Um, you can't by any chance cast charm monster spell?



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Little White Mouse wrote:
> Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now
> I'm about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.
> In any case, my situation:
> Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...
> The setup:
> [...]
> Y the Peregrinatrix St:18/15 Dx:13 Co:18 In:13 Wi:13 Ch:15 Neutral
> Fort Ludios $:0 HP:6(110) Pw:72(72) AC:-19 Exp:12
> I have 6 hitpoints.
> I have read a blessed scroll of earth, so I am surrounded by boulders
> with Soldiers.
> My inventory is pretty empty:
> Armor
> Z - an uncursed +0 cloak called magic protection (being worn)
> Wands
> e - an uncursed wand of fire
> i - an uncursed wand of cold
> G - an uncursed wand of striking
> H - an uncursed wand called platinum dunno
> L - an uncursed wand of magic missile
> O - an uncursed wand called Teleport
> S - an uncursed wand called brass dunno
> V - a cursed wand called pine dunno
> W - an uncursed wand of striking
> Y - an uncursed wand of magic missile
> Did I mention I have 6 hp?
> Oh, and my God just told me that I had to play the right tune. Thanks -
> I'll try a dirge.
> Any suggestions?

Not that I am very experienced in doing these things in the past, but the
best thing *might* be to break either a wand called Teleport or a wand of
magic missile.

Good luck to survive the next two rounds.



Nov 19, 2001
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Little White Mouse <> wrote in

> Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now
> I'm about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.
> In any case, my situation:
> Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...
> The setup:
Teleport yourself...


Archived from groups: (More info?)

chuck wrote:
> Little White Mouse <> wrote in
> news:A%6%d.11140$jt6.1314@trndny07:
>>Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now
>>I'm about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.
>>In any case, my situation:
>>Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...
>>The setup:
> Teleport yourself...

On a non-teleport level?! How would you do that?



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Janis Papanagnou <> was moved to say:

>On a non-teleport level?! How would you do that?

It was easy to miss, on first perusal, that the location was Fort

Still doesn't explain what a lvl 12 tourist is doing in Ludios in the
first place ...





Archived from groups: (More info?)

"JPD" <> wrote in message
> Janis Papanagnou <> was moved to say:
>>On a non-teleport level?! How would you do that?
> It was easy to miss, on first perusal, that the location was Fort
> Ludios.
> Still doesn't explain what a lvl 12 tourist is doing in Ludios in the
> first place ...
Not that bad a place to be, with reflection, MR and pets. The problem is
that he left the zoo room before finishing the garrison off.

I'd say that breaking the /oT might provide a chance of survival... slim,
but a chance. Considering the amount of soldiers i'd break a wand of
digging on the next turn and see if the pits can slow down the assault, but
he doesn't seem to have one.

Let the NG know how this comes out...


Archived from groups: (More info?) (JPD) writes:
> Janis Papanagnou <> was moved to say:

> It was easy to miss, on first perusal, that the location was Fort
> Ludios.

> Still doesn't explain what a lvl 12 tourist is doing in Ludios in the
> first place ...

He probably just didn't realize it was a place where he should not be yet.
To quote the original poster:
"Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now I'm
about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it."

Jukka Lahtinen


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Little White Mouse wrote:
> Ok, I was dumb. I admit it. Worsee then dumb, I was proud. And now

> I'm about to fall. Stupid me - ok; I'll try and learn from it.

Okay, so here's your worst case scenario: You have learned
that in Fort Ludios you need to stay in that initial room
and not move out into the open until the soldiers are all
dead in the doorway. That way you only deal with them one
at a time from inside the doorway or a few at a time in
the doorway.

> In any case, my situation:
> Human tourist, 12th level, magic resistant, reflection...

With MR and reflection, your problem isn't wands.

> @@@ @ @
> -------Q@@@@@
> |.....|@@H@@@
> |....))Ns@)@
> Y the Peregrinatrix St:18/15 Dx:13 Co:18 In:13 Wi:13 Ch:15
> Fort Ludios $:0 HP:6(110) Pw:72(72) AC:-19 Exp:12
> I am the "Q". There are soldiers all around me. The H (hill giant),
> (guardian naga - they paralyze critters), s (giant spider) are all

At this point the pets won't be able to help. Either
you survive a few moves and start recovering or you
don't. The guards around you are human so etching
the E-word won't help.

> I am not really a "Q" :)
> I have 6 hitpoints.
> I have read a blessed scroll of earth, so I am surrounded by boulders

> with Soldiers.

Right. If you kill any one soldier next to you,
no soldier will be able to move in to replace him/her.

> e - an uncursed wand of fire
> i - an uncursed wand of cold

Start blasting for the single-shot kills. Either
you will be able to kill the ones adjacent to you
before you lose another 6 points and then you
will begin to recover, or you will lose the 6 points
and you will learn a valuable lesson.

> H - an uncursed wand called platinum dunno
> O - an uncursed wand called Teleport

Ludios is a no teleport level so do not bother
with this one.

> S - an uncursed wand called brass dunno
> V - a cursed wand called pine dunno

When in doubt, zap unknown wands. They have
some chance of a lucky safe-saving.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Daniel Morris wrote:
> "JPD" <> wrote in message
>>Janis Papanagnou <> was moved to say:
>>>On a non-teleport level?! How would you do that?
>>It was easy to miss, on first perusal, that the location was Fort
>>Still doesn't explain what a lvl 12 tourist is doing in Ludios in the
>>first place ...
> Not that bad a place to be, with reflection, MR and pets. The problem is
> that he left the zoo room before finishing the garrison off.
> I'd say that breaking the /oT might provide a chance of survival... slim,
> but a chance. Considering the amount of soldiers i'd break a wand of
> digging on the next turn and see if the pits can slow down the assault, but
> he doesn't seem to have one.
> Let the NG know how this comes out...
> Danny

He already read a scroll of earth, so those soldiers are standing on
boulders. Would the /oT teleport away the boulders as well as the

____ (__)
/ \ (oo) -Shadow
|Moo. > \/


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Jukka Lahtinen wrote:
> (JPD) writes:
>>Janis Papanagnou <> was moved to say:
>>It was easy to miss, on first perusal, that the location was Fort
>>Still doesn't explain what a lvl 12 tourist is doing in Ludios in the
>>first place ...
> He probably just didn't realize it was a place where he should not be yet.

Oh I totally should be in this place - as Danny pointed out, I have both
MR and Reflection, and I have an AC of -19. I just should have stayed
in the zoo! The place I shouldn't have been was surrounded by soldiers.
I thought "I'll get my pets out there..."

Ok, so here's what I did: I zapped my /oT to the NW and stepped that
way (still alive), then stepped left (still alive), and pulled my
=oConflict out of the bag (good call on that Rast). So I'm going to try
to hide in the room to the NW while my hps regenerate...If I get that far.



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Little White Mouse wrote:
> Ok, so here's what I did: I zapped my /oT to the NW and stepped that
> way (still alive), then stepped left (still alive), and pulled my
> =oConflict out of the bag (good call on that Rast). So I'm going to try
> to hide in the room to the NW while my hps regenerate...If I get that far.

Final count: one dead Hill Giant, bodies of soldiers everywhere, one
shattered white potion, and a bunch of empty wands. (I've never really
used wands before, but by [god] they're useful!)

I was a little hesitent to break the wand of teleport - I didn't know
how many charges it had, and didn't really want to kill myself with it.
As it turned out, it only had 1 charge.

For the record, I pulled off the protection racket early in the game -
hence the AC of -19 :) I figure, if people can play pacifists and win
the game, then I can make it to minetown!

Thanks for the suggestions, all :) I'm going to go kill some dragons!
After my hp regenerate.



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> When in doubt, zap unknown wands. They have
> some chance of a lucky safe-saving.

I engrave-test all my wands; "dunno" is a wand that didn't give me any
useful information. Those tend to be not very useful in combat :-/

Well, I'll certainly go back to being cautious in Fort Ludos - you can
be sure of that :-D



Mar 27, 2003
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mikey <> wrote in news:d1j9s1$90t$1

>> Suggestion 1: Zap the "wand called teleport" at yourself.
>> Suggestion 2: Zap it in the direction where the soldiers are least,
>> so that you can escape in that direction.
> Better yet: (a)pply the wand called teleport

The dammage from that stands a good chance of killing him.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Seraphim wrote:
> mikey <> wrote in news:d1j9s1$90t$1
>>>Suggestion 1: Zap the "wand called teleport" at yourself.
>>>Suggestion 2: Zap it in the direction where the soldiers are least,
>>>so that you can escape in that direction.
>>Better yet: (a)pply the wand called teleport
> The dammage from that stands a good chance of killing him.

Damage from a wand of teleportation? Let's check spoilers:

teleportation There is an explosion from 1 to (4*charges) damage.
Monsters and objects in the affected squares are

Hm... If it had more than one charge, it might. But if the explosion
were magical, his CoMR should stop it.

Let me try in wizmode... Hm... MR /does/ stop any damage from a wand of

So no need for concern.

____ (__)
/ \ (oo) -Shadow
|Moo. > \/


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Shadow wrote:
> Daniel Morris wrote:
> He already read a scroll of earth, so those soldiers are standing on
> boulders. Would the /oT teleport away the boulders as well as the
> soldiers?

I believe so. I considered that after I'd already read the blessed
scroll of earth. Zapping the wand certainly moved them.



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Shadow wrote:
> Seraphim wrote:
>> mikey <> wrote in news:d1j9s1$90t$1
>>> Better yet: (a)pply the wand called teleport
>> The dammage from that stands a good chance of killing him.
> Damage from a wand of teleportation? Let's check spoilers:
> teleportation There is an explosion from 1 to (4*charges) damage.
> Monsters and objects in the affected squares are
> teleported.
> Hm... If it had more than one charge, it might. But if the explosion
> were magical, his CoMR should stop it.
> Let me try in wizmode... Hm... MR /does/ stop any damage from a wand of
> teleportation.
> So no need for concern.

Oh. Well, huh. I had considered it several times, but was always
terrified of the explosion killing me. Next time, I'll remember that!

I've left Ludos w/o the cash (hoping for a way to tame the Silver dragon
inside - I got a saddle!), found an altar deeper in the Dungeon, and
finally got an artifact weapon...Magicbane. But combined with +7 silver
saber shouldn't be so bad.



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On 2005-03-22, Little White Mouse <> wrote:
> Oh. Well, huh. I had considered it several times, but was always
> terrified of the explosion killing me. Next time, I'll remember that!
> I've left Ludos w/o the cash (hoping for a way to tame the Silver dragon
> inside - I got a saddle!), found an altar deeper in the Dungeon, and
> finally got an artifact weapon...Magicbane. But combined with +7 silver
> saber shouldn't be so bad.

So you managed to survive and get out?
What did you do to manage that?

Andrew D. Hilton
UPenn Phd Student


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Andrew D. Hilton wrote:
> On 2005-03-22, Little White Mouse <> wrote:
>>Oh. Well, huh. I had considered it several times, but was always
>>terrified of the explosion killing me. Next time, I'll remember that!
>>I've left Ludos w/o the cash (hoping for a way to tame the Silver dragon
>>inside - I got a saddle!), found an altar deeper in the Dungeon, and
>>finally got an artifact weapon...Magicbane. But combined with +7 silver
>>saber shouldn't be so bad.
> So you managed to survive and get out?
> What did you do to manage that?

Refer to their other posts:

> Oh I totally should be in this place - as Danny pointed out, I have
> both MR and Reflection, and I have an AC of -19. I just should have
> stayed in the zoo! The place I shouldn't have been was surrounded by
> soldiers. I thought "I'll get my pets out there..."
> Ok, so here's what I did: I zapped my /oT to the NW and stepped that
> way (still alive), then stepped left (still alive), and pulled my
> =oConflict out of the bag (good call on that Rast). So I'm going to
> try to hide in the room to the NW while my hps regenerate...If I get
> that far.
> --LWM

> Final count: one dead Hill Giant, bodies of soldiers everywhere, one
> shattered white potion, and a bunch of empty wands. (I've never
> really used wands before, but by [god] they're useful!)
> I was a little hesitent to break the wand of teleport - I didn't know
> how many charges it had, and didn't really want to kill myself with
> it. As it turned out, it only had 1 charge.
> For the record, I pulled off the protection racket early in the game -
> hence the AC of -19 :) I figure, if people can play pacifists and win
> the game, then I can make it to minetown!
> Thanks for the suggestions, all :) I'm going to go kill some dragons!
> After my hp regenerate.
> --LWM

____ (__)
/ \ (oo) -Shadow
|Moo. > \/


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Little White Mouse wrote:

> Little White Mouse wrote:
>> Ok, so here's what I did: I zapped my /oT to the NW and stepped
>> that way (still alive), then stepped left (still alive), and pulled
>> my
>> =oConflict out of the bag (good call on that Rast). So I'm going
>> to try to hide in the room to the NW while my hps regenerate...If I
>> get that far.
> Final count: one dead Hill Giant, bodies of soldiers everywhere,
> one
> shattered white potion, and a bunch of empty wands. (I've never
> really used wands before, but by [god] they're useful!)
> I was a little hesitent to break the wand of teleport - I didn't
> know how many charges it had, and didn't really want to kill myself
> with it.
> As it turned out, it only had 1 charge.

You made it? I thought you were a goner myself. Glad it turned out ok
for you.
