I'm looking for something that lets me tests my CPU and gives me readings on it. For example, putting pressure on the CPU and checking the readings to see if it's working in the it should?
I'd recommend using Prime95 to stress test the CPU. Also get CPUID, and run it along side the stress test to monitor temperatures. Run it for about 15 or longer, 10 mins minimum if you are short of time, otherwise the result won't be accurate.
I'd recommend using Prime95 to stress test the CPU. Also get CPUID, and run it along side the stress test to monitor temperatures. Run it for about 15 or longer, 10 mins minimum if you are short of time, otherwise the result won't be accurate.
OCCT, shows voltage etc, sometimes temp but you can use HWinfo for that.
CPU Linpack, 64-bits, All logical cores. Within 5 minutes you will reach max temp so no point to run the test longer.
I have to warn you, you will never see those temps in normal applications so it can get really hot. 10-20 C hotter.