Any way to enable AI Tweaker on prebuild mobo?


Jun 30, 2013
I've tried flashing the non prebuild BIOS and I get an error every time. My motherboard is the P8H61-M Pro I believe. It came with an Asus Essentio M11AA-UK009s.
You should be able to force flash bios, but it could brick your board. But if you still are determined to flash it, here is how it should work. Go into bios and in easy flash select what file you want to flash, you should get error message so once it pops up, write on keyboard word risky. This most of time works on asus boards to skip bios checks. But do it only if you are prepared to maybe get bricked board with nearly zero chance to get it working back.

Indeed, was just wondering if there was any way of getting the retail BIOS to flash?
You should be able to force flash bios, but it could brick your board. But if you still are determined to flash it, here is how it should work. Go into bios and in easy flash select what file you want to flash, you should get error message so once it pops up, write on keyboard word risky. This most of time works on asus boards to skip bios checks. But do it only if you are prepared to maybe get bricked board with nearly zero chance to get it working back.

Alright cheers man, very tempted to try it and pick up an R5 1600 and a B350 board if it bricks. Decisions...