H. Finner

Oct 16, 2014
Hi. I have a download speed of 20 and an upload of .5. I use to live in a place with upload of 8 and download of 45. But now that I have moved I can no longer twitch 🙁

Please help!

Not to offend you but this is the dumbest answer. I have the highest download speed I can get where I live but was never told about my upload I was supposed to get.

Your upload speed is controlled by your ISP and whatever plan you have with them.
Only way to increase is to change your plan.
Which will probably involve paying them more money.

Is this wired or wireless?
What type of connection is it? Cable, DSL, satellite, something else?

Well it is sadly U verse... So it's hooked up to the TV as well. But I use ethernet.

And on the plan from the ISP, what speed are you supposed to be getting? What are you paying for?

I have no clue. But what would you say if I said, 5 or 1?

If you find out it is supposed to be 20/5, thenI might say you had a problem, and need to call the ISP to figure out what is up.
If it is supposed to be 20/1, that is probably within acceptable bounds. can't know if there is an actual problem until you know what it is supposed to be.
If it is supposed to be 20down/0.5 up....well, that is what you're paying for and what you're getting.