Any way to reset smart data on OCZ ssd?


Nov 1, 2014
The drive works fine, just the B1 attribute says the least worn block is too far from the most worn block. I'm unable to install windows 7 because of this and just want to ignore it but there is no option in my bios to do so.

I've seen threads recommending a seagate utility that resets smart data, and also that some maxtor fw updates will do this. Any chance the ocz fw flashers will? I don't even want to flash the fw unless I have to.
wear range delta: Returns the percent difference in wear between the most-worn block and least-worn block.

Provides a value equal to the delta between the max worn Flash block and the least worn Flash block, as a percentage of the max rated wear of the SSD.
Wear Range Delta = [(MW -LW) / MRW] x 100
MW = P-E Cycles experienced by Most Worn block
LW = P-E Cycles experienced by Least Worn block
MRW = Max Rated Wear = P-E Cycle rating for the Flash
Normalized Value:
None (0x00)
Raw Usage:
[3-0] : Wear Range delta
[6-4]: None (0x00)

This Attribute identifies the “delta” between most-worn and least-worn Flash blocks, as a percentage of the max
rated wear of the Flash memory on the SSD. For 10,000-cycle Flash, where 1% of rated cycles is
100 cycles, a value of 2 for this Attribute means the difference in wear between the least worn block and the
most-worn block is 200 Erase cycles.

If I were you I would believe the score and get another SSD to use foir Windows as I think reseting this is just lying to yourself. Flash can only be used so much and once its worn out, its no good for running an OS on.

or use some other software like Crystalmark to get a 2nd opinion
Getting a 2nd opinion is fine, but what can I actually do to act on it assuming the drive is fine? I can't afford another drive right now, so I will be riding this one until the rims fall off either way. Right now the most attractive prospect seems to be installing windows 7 onto using another method than a standard boot disk with the "smart" check.

The existence of a tool is not going to create more crooked people. Crooked is when people sell fake 128gb micro sd that actually only keep a loop of 8gb of data at a time.

I'm not selling it, I just want to be able to install a different OS to it for personal use. Currently it is looking like the easiest way to go about this without buying new hardware will be to get the windows 7 install/boot files onto a VHD or simillar subset on the same drive and bypass the check completely.