K katanadude Distinguished Feb 10, 2007 139 0 18,690 Feb 26, 2007 #1 Are any of you using this memory? if so, how's it working for you? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820144055
Are any of you using this memory? if so, how's it working for you? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820144055
aBg_rOnGak Distinguished Feb 23, 2006 481 0 18,790 Feb 26, 2007 #2 Can you tell me what's the chip? A friend of mine insisted that other than Crucial, Geil is the other company that uses Micron-only chip. Is that true, up till now?
Can you tell me what's the chip? A friend of mine insisted that other than Crucial, Geil is the other company that uses Micron-only chip. Is that true, up till now?