Anyone Heard of Akoma LLC?


Sep 8, 2017
I was trolling around on Craigslist and found an ad for a 1080ti for a pretty sweet deal and after talking to the seller I learned that they only accept bitcoin apparently. If anyone has had any experience with Akoma Hardware and Graphics card distributor please let me know because I’ve been trying to look them up for the last hour or two with no luck. They gave me a pro forma invoice with a UBI number that I tried looking up, again, with no luck. Any opinions or experiences would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I once saw a blip about a company with the name Akoma, it said they export telecommunications and computer hardware to Ghana. Another one sells office equipment, and still more with the same name deal in general hardware, but they all seem to be based out of China. Stay local, Craigslist is only safe for cash transactions in person, if a "foreign company" only accepts Bitcoin they don't want to be found, and you don't want them to have your information.
I once saw a blip about a company with the name Akoma, it said they export telecommunications and computer hardware to Ghana. Another one sells office equipment, and still more with the same name deal in general hardware, but they all seem to be based out of China. Stay local, Craigslist is only safe for cash transactions in person, if a "foreign company" only accepts Bitcoin they don't want to be found, and you don't want them to have your information.
seems really fishy to me the bitcoins payment method sounds dodgy do avoid since you had researched them and found zero results tell me that this might just be a scam
Use your web browser more efficiently, searching 'Akoma Hardware' on Google conveniently brings up a bunch of dog merchandise, burying anything else, but if you put a minus sign in front of what you want to exclude as in 'Akoma Hardware -dog' it removes anything with dog in it, in this case it leaves a bunch of suspicious links to "foreign" industries and agencies that mention computer hardware with positive reviews about themselves. It's a multi-layer-social-scam-security-method known as skip-masking, hiding behind a widely used industry or service name, the more you dig the more you find that makes it seem legitimate without actually telling you it's safe or giving you a direct link.

It was such a great deal I figured I look a little deeper before writing it off. Thanks for the response!

I had no idea that was a feature, thanks for the info and response!

It was such a great deal I wanted to look into it more before writing it off even with how fishy it was. Thanks for the response!

Yeah nothing based in Oregon like the guy said. It was too good a deal to immediately write off so I wanted to look in further. Thanks fo the response!