Question Anyone here can help me? My pc wont turn on after switching to a new case

Jun 29, 2020
I think its the motherboard at fault to be honest I checked every wire and its in the right spot also when I try to start the pc the fan that is directly conected to the psu lights up for about 0.1 second
Reverify your front panel power/reset/HDD Activity connectors. The pin-outs vary from board to board.

-Wolf sends
I tried two different power supplys the second one worked it booted up then I installed it in the case and now it wont work too so I used my third power supply now its working fine after a couple on and off. I don't think its a coincidence that two perfectly fine power supply would break at the same time what do you think might have caused the problem? Altough the led light on the case lights up in the two power supply when I try to turn it on.
I have exactly same problem, but my topic was burried under others, on MSI forum mods think that my mobo had short circuit when I have put it in new case I have ordered anti static wristband before getting new mobo I advise to do same