anyone knows if a core i5 2500k can work in any LGA PCs like Lenovo, Dell, HP that uses a normal i5 CPU or k can't work


Jan 4, 2018
Currently i don't need the over clocking features of the k version but i'm interested in i5 2500k version that have hd 3000 compare to normal one with hd 2000. surprisingly i can get the i5 k version cheaper than the normal one. Is it because less motherboard can boot the k version?. That why they selling it cheaper than the normal i5 2500?

I always wonder if core i5 2500k can work on boards that uses the normal core i5 2400,2500 processors like lenovo, hp and dell. I want to put it in my lenovo think centre m81 that have a core i3 2100. It a good PC. Their also a m91 that i get from a friend that vga port not working and a HP 8200 that i get dirt cheap for 20 that need ram and hd. I'm also seeing more dell selling for under 50.
Can the i5 2500k work or should I get the normal i5 2500 that for some reason is more expensive. I'm guessing because it more compatible with these system compare to the k version.
Please help
where the I5-2500K can run depends on the motherboard designs...
here is s list (not complete when it comes to prebuilt systems but gives you an idea.

as for your Think center M81 look here and you will see that motherboard doesn't support ANY K model Cpu (probably because most K cpu have a much higher TDPO then normal non -0K Cpus)

as for the thinkcenter M91 there are a number of TYPES, which TYPE is the one your looking at ? (example 2941, 7741, ???)
All those companies have websites with support pages for the models of computers they sold. What I'd do, once you know the specific model, is go to the support page for it and see, in the documentation, the list of CPUs that buyers could have chosen for that model. This way, even if you can't find a specific CPU support list for that model, at least you know which CPUs worked with that computer when it was new.
The m81 is a sff and online their no support for any k versions. I actually never seen a oem pc like lenovo and hp that add support for k versions. For example lenovo support most i5 2500 except the k versions. I was wondering if any lenova,hp, dell that support 2nd gen LGA 1155 would work or they just can't boot. I've never seen a OEM like lenovo,HP,dell that support or can boot a k version. Do anyone know
A K version is cheaper because you can't determine how high it was overclocked; that isn't an issue with a non-K version that has to run at its rated frequency. Since buying a K version is more risky, it should cost less. It's up to you to try a K version, but it may not be supported in the BIOS. It will probably boot, but it will run a reduced frequency. I presume you already searched for "lenovo think centre m81" and 2500k or 2600k"; if you did then you probably found this thread:

You can read this post:

'K' processors have been tried on ThinkCentres before, I don't know of one instance where they worked.

My guess is the microcode need to support the additional features of a 'K' processor is not included in the BIOS (understandably, since Lenovo has never sold a 'K' processor ThinkCentre, which are business focused systems, geared for maximum reliability.)