Anyone recognize this bass tube thing?


Jun 16, 2012
I was about to buy a sub for my car today, when my brother in law said here I have this bass tube, that is similar to a sub. I snapped some pictures of it but I can't seem to identify its specs exactly on the internet. Anyone recognize this and can tell me its specs, or where to find them? Any help is greatly appreciated. Well I just realized I can't insert my pictures because they are on my computer at home. I found a google image of the exact one I have, still no information though. So here that is

It says Bazooka RS on it, once again any help is greatly appreciated.
it's a bazooka tube but which exact model we can't give you since we don't have any pics of the one you have. there is no label, model number, serial number, product number on the tube anywhere? one of these numbers would allow for identification and then specs for your tube.

those things are from the 80's and 90's but i think they still made them in the 2k's but i could be wrong there. this is more than likely an old item but if in good shape no reason it can't still be used.