Anyway to know if my motherboard is brand new or used?


Feb 16, 2015
Call me crazy but i'm speculating that the guy who assembled my PC at the shop (cause i dont know how to do it myself) switched my brand new motherboard with an identical one that is already used and older. He dint assemble my rig in front of me, so i wouldn't know if he used the brand new parts i gave him or swapped them. So is there anyway to know? or am i just being insane? fml

other than that?

Other than those specific conditions cited or similar, you have no recourse.

Tell you a funny thing, I just bought a REFURB Mobo on purpose. It's $15 cheaper but that's not why I did it. Mobos that are over a year old may not have the Haswell 2014 refresh BIOS on them. Oftentimes this BIOS cannot be updated unless you have to have an older CPU to boot from, THEN update the BIOS, THEN switch to the new CPU. Folks usually don't have a bunch of CPUs sitting around for this. Am hoping this REFURB Mobo comes with the new BIOS. Slightly used hardware means they double-tested it! That's how I look at it.