I have a new AOC G2460PQU and its running at 144hz and GTX 770. The screen even when not playing games is giving me a vicious headache and nausea. Anyone have any ideas? I've been messing with all the settings and no luck.
Brightness levels might do this for some. For me it is latency, but everyone is different. These monitors today are extraordinarily bright out of the box. I use my monitor at 30% brightness.
Brightness levels might do this for some. For me it is latency, but everyone is different. These monitors today are extraordinarily bright out of the box. I use my monitor at 30% brightness.
Brightness levels might do this for some. For me it is latency, but everyone is different. These monitors today are extraordinarily bright out of the box. I use my monitor at 30% brightness.
It turns out it strobes the LEDs to adjust brightness. So if I turn brightness all the way up it doesn't bother me (except for being blindingly bright), but that is hardly a solution. So I'm returning it to amazon. Bummer. I think the real solution is not buying a monitor I have never looked at before.
here is a quote from https://pcmonitors.info/reviews/aoc-g2460pqu/
"The AOC g2460Pqu uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to dim the backlight below 100%. That means that the backlight switches on and off extremely rapidly to produce lower bright nesses. A minority of users are sensitive to this flickering and can suffer from visual discomfort (headaches etc.) when viewing a monitor that uses PWM. Aside from the BenQ XL2420TE, which is expensive and restricted to certain regions currently, all modern 120Hz+ LCDs use PWM and it isn’t something most users have to worry about. The video below shows the existence of PWM on this monitor as captured by a sensitive camera – nobody detects such a pronounced strobing, that’s just to demonstrate its existence. Note the lack of strobing in the video at 100% brightness, where PWM is not used as the backlight is not being dimmed."
Brightness levels might do this for some. For me it is latency, but everyone is different. These monitors today are extraordinarily bright out of the box. I use my monitor at 30% brightness.
Also since you were the only person who responded I'm picking you as the best answer. Thanks for the tip on the brightness you were on the right track. And that led me to figuring out the issue. Even if that means I'm returning the monitor. Thanks