Aorus 1080 Game Box won't install properly

May 17, 2018
Hi, this is my first time on here, someone recommended that I come ask about my issue here.
Basically, I just bought an Aorus 1080 Game Box with the integral GTX 1080, and so far nothing has gone right while setting it up.
I haven't been prompted by the pop ups asking for administrative permission upon connecting it to my laptop like it's supposed to, and the software that came with it installed, but out first crashed after a minute of running, and now won't open entirely.
My computer definitely recognizes the box, it makes a jingle every time something is connected to it, and it does so when I plug it in, but the box does not light up or turn on the fan, it just appears to be off.

Anyone know what's going on? Or what details can I provide to help give you guys a better picture of what's wrong?
Thanks so much guys! I just want this think to work already.