Aorus AX370 Gaming K5 Overclocking & Questions.


Sep 11, 2018
So I'm planning to buy AORUS AX370 Gaming K5 but after I did some research I found out that vcore settings are locked, there is no static vcore voltage only dynamic.

And I want to overclock the 1600.

So my questions are this.

- Is it worth buying this motherboard for 140$-10% cash discount?

- Is it still possible to get great overclocks on Ryzen 5 1600?

- How does dynamic Vcore voltage work?

- Any other motherboard suggestions or this motherboard is good *bang for the buck*

All information is greatly appreciated.
As I recall you can adjust an offset to achieve elevated VCore, and then the dynamic VCore adjusts as it thinks is needed. I had this on my AB350M Gaming 3, the dynamic VCore supposedly took the place of an LLC which it was lacking. I was able to overclock on it pretty well, but the VRM was just inadequate to hold the 1700 I had at the time which needed a lot of voltage to achieve even 3.8G. I more-recent 1600 should do well even on the K5 which has a similar VRM, although it will get toasty.

But if you're looking for bang-for-buck, I'd consider a B450 Tomahawk. Has an excellent VRM (for a 450) and will overclock a 1600 while keeping it's cool. Depends on whether you need the extra connectivity of the 370, with it's second true PCIe x16, though.

What PSU is it? In the end you can just try it. If system is unstable you'll know where to look first. Only thing is make sure the 12V power rating at least is decent...450W or more to be safe. Of course, that just goes up depending on what you're running for GPU subsystem, and goes up even higher if it's a no-name PSU.

4 pin should be good enough, even when overclocking, for a 6 core 1600. I overclocked an FX6300 to 4.5G on a four pin motherboard and it pulls massively more power than my 1700 does OC'd to 3.9G. You can feel the 4 pin connector body when running a heavy load if it starts to feel warm then you'll know it's dicey.

But I suspect you'll find it's less than 400 watts on the 12V rails.
I use GTX 1050 so it's pretty low power consumption system. I did some in dept research regarding this board it's a pretty good overclocking motherboard with good design and features, I'll just put a fan on my VRM's and 3.9-4.0 Ghz overclock should be possible on air.
Also, should I reset my windows while on old system before I change it to Ryzen platform?