News Aorus DDR5 Flexes LN2 Overclock to New World Record

Whilst there is always the ‘because it’s there’ defence, the continued coverage of these records, that in their reliance on binning, LN2 and other approaches that make them both beyond anyone other than the pet tweaked of manufacturers and profligate in the resource they consume to attain a state of operation not sustainable long enough to do anything productive is crass. At least the petrolheads cheering on ring records most usually get tumescent about stock items they might have an expectation of acquiring. Spaffing 70 litres of LN2 as a recent elite overclocker did for such pointless gain is both profligate and onanistic. This site should be looking at efficiency not celebrating waste - how about a benchmark suite where setups are ranked according to the least power draw required to attain a defined performance level?
Whilst there is always the ‘because it’s there’ defence, the continued coverage of these records, that in their reliance on binning, LN2 and other approaches that make them both beyond anyone other than the pet tweaked of manufacturers and profligate in the resource they consume to attain a state of operation not sustainable long enough to do anything productive is crass. At least the petrolheads cheering on ring records most usually get tumescent about stock items they might have an expectation of acquiring. Spaffing 70 litres of LN2 as a recent elite overclocker did for such pointless gain is both profligate and onanistic. This site should be looking at efficiency not celebrating waste - how about a benchmark suite where setups are ranked according to the least power draw required to attain a defined performance level?
Does this guy know how to party or what!
Whilst there is always the ‘because it’s there’ defence, the continued coverage of these records, that in their reliance on binning, LN2 and other approaches that make them both beyond anyone other than the pet tweaked of manufacturers and profligate in the resource they consume to attain a state of operation not sustainable long enough to do anything productive is crass. At least the petrolheads cheering on ring records most usually get tumescent about stock items they might have an expectation of acquiring. Spaffing 70 litres of LN2 as a recent elite overclocker did for such pointless gain is both profligate and onanistic. This site should be looking at efficiency not celebrating waste - how about a benchmark suite where setups are ranked according to the least power draw required to attain a defined performance level?

The first aircraft to exceed the speed of sound was the Bell X-1. It had to be hauled aloft by a 4 piston engined B-29 or B-50, and it only had enough fuel for 5 minutes of powered flight. Because of this "wasteful" endeavor, we now have aircraft that can supercruise, IE fly faster than the speed of sound with no afterburner usage (which is far more efficient than using afterburner.)

This is why pioneering runs like the Bell X-1 and the race to 10000mt/s plus on ddr5 are important. They show the possibility of whats to come.
Other than both endeavours attaining a higher metric than had previously been reached they have nothing in common. The Guinness Book of World Records is populated with gung-ho number chasing as spurious as these overclocks which come down to who has wallets deep enough to remove more heat and apply more power than the last person. Real innovation, as with the Bell example, comes from more considered rethinking of systems that result in applicable and reproducible benefits for all rather than bragging rights arising from chasing esoteric metrics.