My machine decided this moring to not wake up from sleep. It ended up in a loop and restarted every other second. Just one time after hitting the reset button a couple of times, I saw the BIOS logo and for a second the windows start logo. The PC was working flawless since I built it 6 month ago.
I switched the the power supply completly of on the back. When turning it on to back I could observe that the Aorus logo on the backplane and some other of the white LEDs were shortly flashing and that was it, staus lights on the Geforce were on. Pushing the front power button all fans started to run, CPU light turned red. Non of the fancy orange LEDs on the board was on and machine went on and off every second.
Removed memory, then CPU, same thing, CPU light was just solid red.
Any ideas? Guess the motherboard is broken.
Aorus Ultra Gaming
i7 7280X
Corsair H115i
Asus GForce (ages old)
My machine decided this moring to not wake up from sleep. It ended up in a loop and restarted every other second. Just one time after hitting the reset button a couple of times, I saw the BIOS logo and for a second the windows start logo. The PC was working flawless since I built it 6 month ago.
I switched the the power supply completly of on the back. When turning it on to back I could observe that the Aorus logo on the backplane and some other of the white LEDs were shortly flashing and that was it, staus lights on the Geforce were on. Pushing the front power button all fans started to run, CPU light turned red. Non of the fancy orange LEDs on the board was on and machine went on and off every second.
Removed memory, then CPU, same thing, CPU light was just solid red.
Any ideas? Guess the motherboard is broken.
Aorus Ultra Gaming
i7 7280X
Corsair H115i
Asus GForce (ages old)