Apparently this memory will not work in my Motherboard?


Oct 23, 2008
Hi there. I'm looking at buying this memory: Team 1600MHz DDR3 16GB Dark Dual Channel Memory 2x8GB Kit.
My motherboard is an MSI 760GM-P21(FX) with an Athlon II X3 440 in it. According to this site (its a local to me site 😛):
this memory is only usable in a 990 AMD chipset (if you scroll down to specifications), despite it saying it can run at 1333. Does that mean for some reason it wont work in my system?
I've asked here recently if 1666 RAM would work in 1333 and the consensus seems to be yes.
Looking at your motherboard QVL here (direct PDF link) there are 16GB 1600MHz kits listed so I would give good odds that the ram will work as it should (no guarantees though). It seems that TeamGroup has not updated it's info lately which is the same info that ComX shows. It is not uncommon for ram manufacturers to test their ram with the currently available systems and not go through all the previously released motherboards so the lack of certification doesn't necessarily mean it won't work.
An option might be to contact TeamGroup directly with the specific kit you're interested in to see if have that info
well yes if your system only runs top of the chart 1333 it should run but at 1333 speeds tho why not just buy the ram that your MB WILL USE opps sorry caps lock. Because higher end mem does cost a bit more then lower unless its a good deal or a freebie when buying something. It is trail and error when it come to mem my one system a biostar 990 fx don't mention supporting anything over like 2 gig a slot but I have 4 x 4 g skill sniper mem in it runs fine. If you buy it and it don't work can you return it is the big ? hope this helps/
Well for some reason (as mentioned in another post) this RAM is cheaper than the 1333 Kingston Valueram equivilants, due to what I can only assume is older stock being sold at older prices now that RAM prices are shooting up something crazy here. It just worries me that it claims only AMD 990 Chipsets, but maybe thats only the XMP? Would the RAM itself work with a chipset that cant run XMP?
Looking at your motherboard QVL here (direct PDF link) there are 16GB 1600MHz kits listed so I would give good odds that the ram will work as it should (no guarantees though). It seems that TeamGroup has not updated it's info lately which is the same info that ComX shows. It is not uncommon for ram manufacturers to test their ram with the currently available systems and not go through all the previously released motherboards so the lack of certification doesn't necessarily mean it won't work.
An option might be to contact TeamGroup directly with the specific kit you're interested in to see if have that info