In other news, the wheels keep on turning...
Seriously, the same can happen to any company. What is today hot, tomorrow is...not.
Even in Android world, today is Samsung, tomorrow can be LG, SONY, Motorola or HTC (which, BTW, was hot 'yesterday'). These users are lucky, though, because they are not tied to one single device/manufacturer for their needs. Apple's enclosed ecosystem has created a eggs-in-one-basket situation for it's customers.
The die-hards entrenched in the mindset "Apple or bust" feel really threatened by the very thought that Apple might find itself where it was a few years ago: at the bottom of the barrel. They have no alternative solutions to run to, unless they switch teams altogether. Some do, they wake up and smell the other flowers in the garden: WinPhone, Android, even FirefoxOS is around the corner, BB coming back, etc. The ones that are invested heavily (financially, apps, accessories etc.) into Apple's system are the ones that are the most vocal of them all. They know no freedom to choose, because Apple has not allowed them to peek over the wall.
That's why when Apple messes something up the reaction is so violent: the analysts critique, the fans take it personally, the stocks plummet, and everyone freaks out.